Sunday, July 29, 2012

Life After Death

The big question, what is the whole universe in Earth or another planet on life, where we exist as beings. a team of researchers such as five planets to find out where life might be expected.

Glij 581G

A planet of our solar system's ' glij 581G ' out in life most likely. a team of American researchers in September 2010 glij 581 glij 581G of search announced. from Earth is 20.5 light years light-years away, which means that a light in a year. a light year in ten thousand billion kilometers.

"Glij 581G" meaning "Earth mass and double [ESI] i.e. equality index similairiti index in the list of most of the Earth closer to 0.92 points. glij 588G.

In fact, by an international team of scientists in other planetary life expectancies for two-way list of ESI and other planetary habitability index a [PHI], where lives are likely to flourish.

Glij 667CC

American and German team of researchers in February 2012, glij 667CC announced the planet ' in the ' Super Earth planets earth and Mars Earth. its like Jupiter and Saturn, as well as the pathrili of 667CC of glij gas rings here. four times the mass of Earth and ESI in-0.86 points. glij 667CC light years away from Earth and 22 Your Sun in the 28 days of classroom affair. It caters to the presence of water that are important for life paristhitiya condition occurs.

Kepler 22B

NASA's kepler telescope in 2009 since the work started since then it has 2,300 probable search. but these "22B" only planet kepler as confirmed that Earth is similar in size to Earth, about two and a half times it is big and there are temperature 22 degrees Celsius. as far as the Earth is from the Sun, its own "kepler" about your Sun 22B malbec 15 per cent Close quarters. Thus there is a years 290 days here at Sun 25 percent. This is because the ' lights ' temperatures not much kepler 22B.

HD 85512B and glij 581 d

HD 85512B's mass compared to three-and-a-half times our Earth. ESI in 0.77 points. this earth 35 light years. in Chile by a team of researchers from Geneva at their instruments ' glij 581 d's was discovered. the mass of the Earth and sadhea five times in the ESI. Earth from 0.72 points 20.3 light years away.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Mass protests among Japan's Western Province phukui town ' oh '-based nuclear reactor to restart. last year after tsunami devastated by nuclear plant safety, phukushima, Japan has stopped all nuclear plants.

Even though they go to Japan again introduced evoked a mixed reaction of people in some people are so against it where it is necessary to the nation's energy needs. these conflicts between the reactor number three again on oh.

Reactor number four to start too soon. the Prime Minister last month, has two reactors yoshihiko nado resume order. He said that to ensure stable development of the economy japni the nuclear power needs to be turned on again.

Government decision from Japan in Tokyo on Friday, enough people happy. and the country's other cities against nuclear power in oh to turn on the performance by thousands.