The left-hander Gautam Gambhir India Gurgaon late Friday evening, the girl was Natasha Jain. Garden Greens at West End wedding ceremony ties the knot with both resolved to play with seven lives.
Prince suits serious cricket ground looked like a wedding site too serious. Natasha looks pretty in pink gown with a veil had been thanks to the people laughed. Critical to the wedding guests had begun at four o'clock, evening, wedding program, which began at six o'clock that night long. After going round the groom - the bride came to the media. Then the party began. Grati both wedding and enjoyed the fireworks. Natasha Civil Lines Gurgaon-based entrepreneur is the daughter of Ravindra Jain.
Dance to the beat of the drum family with Gautam
New Delhi. Cricketer Gautam Gambhir, Rajendra Nagar residence on Friday, wishing to put a stream of relatives, the common man could not even find a glimpse of Gautam till late evening. Earlier on Thursday night at home with family members against Gautam Gambhir is Bhangra. Were called before the wedding night with ten drums. He played drums for the night at five o'clock Friday morning. In addition to their family members against the beat Thirke Gautam. All work at home, his uncle and close friend of Gautam was doing well.
Gautam the integration with your friend's sister, a woman stood outside the home was welcomed. Gautam on Friday evening at five BMW sitting in the car decorated with flowers from your residence, Delhi Road, Gurgaon reached Western Green farm house.
Dance to the beat of the drum family with Gautam
New Delhi. Cricketer Gautam Gambhir, Rajendra Nagar residence on Friday, wishing to put a stream of relatives, the common man could not even find a glimpse of Gautam till late evening. Earlier on Thursday night at home with family members against Gautam Gambhir is Bhangra. Were called before the wedding night with ten drums. He played drums for the night at five o'clock Friday morning. In addition to their family members against the beat Thirke Gautam. All work at home, his uncle and close friend of Gautam was doing well.
Gautam the integration with your friend's sister, a woman stood outside the home was welcomed. Gautam on Friday evening at five BMW sitting in the car decorated with flowers from your residence, Delhi Road, Gurgaon reached Western Green farm house.