Police in Pune Social Security Cell (SSC) on Saturday raided five-star hotel indulging in flesh trade Ajhra aka TV actress Zara arrested. Zara's post-arrest interrogation were revealed what he was before the coming into Bollywood sex connection has fanned speculation. Zara, as well as a spot boy police arrested Neeraj Bhandari, who was Zara finds for the high class customers. Police inquiries revealed that the racket and the strings are quite long, ranging from Bollywood, television industry, including many white faces.
that business. Police raided the information the famous TV actress Ajhra aka Zara and her broker's spot boy arrested Neeraj profession.
Talking about the Bollywood actress and Jismfroshi Now you must remember that 4 March 2011, well known model and actress Mink Brar, a sensational was revealed that he was offered Jismfroshi by phone. Mink said the caller was a spot boy and his body was offered money in return for millions.is.
Mink said that when he turned down offers of Jismfroshi his conviction for the spot boy named Major Hiroinon. Mink said the spot boy was talking to her sister saying. According to Mink call for the spot boy called the first modeling of the Jismfroshi offered. Mink said he called to join the big Bollywood Hiroinen sex scandal and a night of top politicians and businessmen are sent to about 20 lakh.
Talking about the Bollywood actress and Jismfroshi Now you must remember that 4 March 2011, well known model and actress Mink Brar, a sensational was revealed that he was offered Jismfroshi by phone. Mink said the caller was a spot boy and his body was offered money in return for millions.is.
Mink said that when he turned down offers of Jismfroshi his conviction for the spot boy named Major Hiroinon. Mink said the spot boy was talking to her sister saying. According to Mink call for the spot boy called the first modeling of the Jismfroshi offered. Mink said he called to join the big Bollywood Hiroinen sex scandal and a night of top politicians and businessmen are sent to about 20 lakh.